Follow the Psych by Keenan Takahashi

Sometimes the heat is too much. Sometimes you have to jet out to maintain psych. Sometimes you find yourself where you wouldn't have expected to: Colorado.

Summer thunderstorms in Upper Chaos Canyon.

Summer thunderstorms in Upper Chaos Canyon.

Jeremy Fullerton drying off Blood Money (V12) before sending in a slim weather window.

Jeremy Fullerton drying off Blood Money (V12) before sending in a slim weather window.

Jimmy checking out Daniel's new Anti-Panic.

Jimmy checking out Daniel's new Anti-Panic.

Most of the time.

Most of the time.

The first crux of Anti-Panic.

The first crux of Anti-Panic.

Post-storm glory.

Post-storm glory.

A huge thanks to my hosts Jackie and Kevin for having me! Looking forward to next time...